Hieizan Enryakuji


An 848 Meter Tall Mountain Dominated By One Temple

Designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site and host every year to a Buddhism summit, Enryaku Temple is a meeting place for people from all over the world. The temple grounds cover 1,700 hectares, contain 100 different buildings. It is famous for being the site of Oda Nobunaga's infamous Siege of Mount Hiei. There are various shops around the temple and is a great walking spot.

Address 4220 Sakamotohonmachi, Ootsu, Shiga Prefecture 520-0116

〒520-0116 滋賀県大津市坂本本町4220

Route 1 (Easiest)
JR Tokaido Shinkansen (platform 16 or 17) Nagoya–Kyoto (35m)
Take Karasuma exit towards bus platform 6C
Take Kyoto Bus #51 or Keihan Bus Mount Hiei Line #57 Kyoto Station–Todo/Mount Hiei (53m–83m)

Route 2 (Scenic)
JR Tokaido Shinkansen (platform 16 or 17) Nagoya–Kyoto (35m)
JR Biwa Line Kyoto–Hieizansakamoto (15m)
Koujaku Bus Sakamoto Cable Line Hieizansakamoto– Cable Sakamoto (10m–or 20m walk)
Sakamoto Cable–Enryakuji (11m)



Websites Official Sitehttps://www.hieizan.or.jp/_att/english.pdfHieizan Enryaku-ji Templehttp://www.otsu.or.jp/en/templesandshrines/0001/index.html

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