chez Shibata BLOSSA BRANCH

(シェ・シバタ ブロッサ)

Sponsored by Chez Shibata

Chez Shibata operates more than 10 confectionary shops mainly in Asia including Tajimi-shi in Gifu, and Nagoya-shi in Aichi, Japan, developing uniquely designed sweets based on French-style confections.
The innovative sweets created by Chez Shibata are the result of the use of carefully selected Japanese material as well as high-quality material procured from all over the world to suit the Japanese palate.
Assuming positions of Tajimi Goodwill Ambassador, Maccha (Green Tea) Ambassador, Chocolat Ambassadeur appointed by Cemoi in France, Chez Shibata has been engaging in business activities on a global scale as confectionary shop representing Tokai area.

Address 1F Blossa, 1-1-10 Higashi-sakura, Higashi-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 461-0005

〒461-0005 愛知県名古屋市東区東桜1-1-10 Blossa 1F

Tel: 052-957-5545

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