Tagata Shrine


The original year of construction is unknown, but the oldest records suggest 927 CE. Long ago, the landowners shared beef with the local people before farming, but eating meat was prohibited. The Kami got angry when heard of it and brought a plague of locusts on the crops as punishment. To calm the wrath of the Kami, the peasants made offerings of white pigs, chickens, and white horses. In return, the Kami taught the people how to remove the locusts using hemp leaves, fans, and phalluses.
Many prayers for childbirth are made here. The Kami also protects the prosperity of businesses and ensures abundant harvests. Phallus decorations are visible everywhere in the shrine, which has earned it the nickname, Penis Shrine.

152 Tagatacho, Komaki, Aichi 485-0004
〒485-0004 愛知県小牧市田県町152

Take the Meitetsu Inuyama Line from Nagoya Station to Inuyama Station. Transfer to the Meitetsu Komaki Line and get off at Tagata Jinja Mae Station. It's a 5-minute walk from the station.
From Nagoya Station take the Sakuradori or Higashiyama Line. Transfer to the Meijo Line and ride until Heian-dori Station. Transfer to the Kamiida line at Heian-dori Station. Transfer again at Kamiida Station to the Meitetsu Komaki Line. Get off at Tagatajinjamae Station. It's a 5-minute walk from the station.

Business hours

Shrine protections, charms, and sacred lots: 9:00-5:00 pm
Prayers: 9:00-3:30 pm





Websites Official  Site (JPN) http://www.tagatajinja.com/

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